
Category: Sun Damage Treatments

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How Harmful Is the Sun to Our Skin?

Posted June 01, 2021

3 Minute Read:  Sunlight triggers the synthesis of Vitamin D within the body for stronger and healthier bones. However, unprotected and prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can damage the skin, increasing the risk of sunburns, premature aging, skin cancers, and other harmful effects. Over time, exposure to the sun’s rays depletes the skin’s […]

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Protect Yourself from Sun Damage

Posted January 21, 2019

Sun damage can be hard to avoid, especially when you live in California. With the sun beating down nearly 365 days a year, sun protection is vital to the health and the quality of your skin. Unfortunately, sun protection is a step that many people forget about until it is too late. Luckily, when sun […]

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Why Does Collagen Matter so Much?

Posted September 24, 2018

When reading through descriptions of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures or skin care products, a common link among these procedures and products is their ability to “stimulate collagen production.” While this phrase may seem like white noise, it is this fact that determines how well the procedure or product will work for you. Collagen is one of […]

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Erasing Sun Damage

Posted June 18, 2018

For many people, there’s nothing better than achieving a dark and even suntan during the hot summer months. While the deep summer glow may seem appealing at the time, all those rays of sunlight are actually wreaking havoc on your skin. Sun damage is something everyone grows up hearing about, yet many choose not to […]

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