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Can Exercise Get Rid of Cellulite?

Posted November 30, 2022 in Cellulite Treatment

3 Minute Read: 

Cellulite is a skin condition that causes the appearance of rippled and dimpled skin on the buttocks, thighs, and hips, and it is one of the most common and upsetting cosmetic issues that women experience. 

Close-up image of a woman's cellulite on her leg

While cellulite is not a dangerous condition — in fact, it is completely harmless — this skin condition causes many women to feel self conscious and embarrassed. And what’s even more frustrating about the presence of cellulite is that you can suffer from it regardless of your age or weight. 

Unfortunately, many women have the misperception that there is a natural remedy for cellulite

Instead, cosmetic treatments are the only way to truly address and correct the presence of cellulite. These treatments work to treat this condition at its core to help you get rid of the dimpled skin that often detracts from your natural beauty.

What Causes Cellulite?

While the exact cause of cellulite is still unknown, what we can understand about this skin conduction is that cellulite is caused by the accumulation of fat beneath the surface of the skin. 

This fat puts pressure on the fibrous septae, which are cords that connect the muscle to the skin in the body. The fibrous septae actively pull down on the skin to keep the surface smooth, but the accumulated fat pushes against these connective cords to create an uneven skin surface (cellulite). That is why uneven skin is often found in areas of the body where the fat accumulates the most (the butt, abdomen, thighs, and hips).

It is important to note that cellulite is dependent on additional factors besides the presence of excess fat in the body, including hormones and a woman’s skin tone and biological makeup. 

Because of this, women with smaller frames are just as predisposed to cellulite as women with much larger physical frames. 

How Can I Treat Cellulite?

Because cellulite is caused by the accumulation of fat under the skin, many women mistakenly believe that simply losing weight (through exercise and dieting) will get rid of their cellulite. 

However, the reality is that exercise and weight loss are ineffective when it comes to treating cellulite. This is because the fat cells that cause cellulite are separated by the muscle tissue, meaning that they cannot be burned off during exercise. 

So, unless treated with a cosmetic procedure, your cellulite will remain, no matter how much you work out at the gym.

There are several cellulite treatments available; however, one of the most effective procedures to get rid of your “cottage cheese” skin is VelaShape™ III

The VelaShape™ III treatment works by combining infrared and radiofrequency (RF) energies. These shared energies heat and destroy the fat cells that cause the cellulite. These destroyed cells are then naturally flushed from your body, allowing you to achieve smoother and firmer skin where those pesky dimples once were. In addition to more aesthetically pleasing skin, you can look forward to feeling more confident and comfortable with the way your skin looks!

Why Should I Choose Aspire MediSpa for My Cellulite Treatment?

As with any cosmetic procedure, it is important that you choose the right cosmetic practice

At Aspire MediSpa, we take pride in the services we provide and the results we achieve for our patients. We make sure that our patients’ safety and quality results are at the forefront of everything we do. And because our cosmetic professionals have years of combined experience performing cosmetic procedures, such as cellulite reduction treatments, you can feel assured that you are in knowledgeable and caring hands.

Interested in Learning More?

If you are interested in VelaShape™ III treatments or any of the other non-surgical procedures we offer at Aspire MediSpa, give us a call today at (559) 517-3606 or fill out this form to schedule your personalized consultation.