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What Is elōs®? A Guide to Different elōs® Treatments?

Posted October 15, 2020 in Laser Treatments

2 Minute Read: 

The effects of aging, environmental factors, weight fluctuation, and genetics can result in wrinkles, fine lines, unsightly blemishes, and discoloration that negatively impact your beautiful complexion. Fortunately, with advanced technology, some effective non-invasive treatments can be used to restore your skin’s health and beauty.

Woman undergoing an elos laser treatmetn at her medispa. Protected by red eye goggles.

The elōs® treatment is an FDA-approved multi-application treatment that delivers beneficial optical (laser or pulsed light) and radio frequency (RF) energies to treat an extensive range of skin concerns.

The elōs® treatment is used to address a variety of skin issues, including sunspots, age spots, acne scars, freckles, rosacea, vascular lesions, hyperpigmentation, and skin laxity.

There are three different elōs® laser treatments offered at Aspire Medispa. Depending on your skin concerns, we will recommend a personalized treatment technique that best suits your needs.

elōs® Plus Fotofacial Skin Rejuvenation

The elōs® Plus Fotofacial treatment is a popular skin rejuvenation technique that uses optical and radio frequency energy to target pigmentation concerns safely.

Due to its color-correcting benefits, the treatment is ideal for addressing skin discoloration issues, sunspots, age spots, facial redness, etc.

elōs® Sublative RF

Sublative RF uses a matrix of fractionated bipolar RF energy to create a pattern of micro-injuries in the skin for new collagen production.

By delivering effective energy deep into the skin, this treatment improves your skin tone and texture. It addresses textural skin imperfections, enlarged pores, and acne scars. This treatment can also improve pigmentation issues, especially when combined with intense pulsed light (IPL).

elōs® Sublime™

The elōs® Sublime™ treatment relies on radio frequency and infrared light energy to gently heat the dermis for new collagen stimulation and growth.

Patients will regain a tightened and lifted skin appearance in the treatment area. The treatment is ideal for anyone looking to address common signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and mild skin laxity.

What Results Should I Expect from the elōs® Treatments?

Patients can expect to see results with very little downtime and usually resume regular activities within a day. The number of treatments, of course, will depend on the severity of the skin condition.

As compared to other traditional laser techniques, the elōs® laser system offers tighter skin benefits without the usual pain. The use of gentle pulses to deliver reduced optimal energy into the skin makes the treatment gentle and comfortable. Therefore, it is safe for all skin types.

These technologies offer both performance and safety, and they successfully overcome the procedural challenges of conventional lasers and IPL systems. This is because the elōs® technology can deliver controlled energy (combined radio frequency and light energies) with enhanced penetration and precision.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact Aspire Medispa at (559) 435-8477 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment for your elōs® treatment. We will personalize your treatment for maximum results.